My pictures
- 2025-02-14 : Codeit Fullstack 2nd added. Recoeve.net added. MBTI removed.
- 2023-05-31 : MBTI added.
- 2017-03-21 : Update and Clean up.
- 2016-03-16 : Update and Clean up.
- 2015-12-23 : Update.
- 2015-12-18 : First posting.
- 2002-03 ~ 2006-02: Diploma studies in Physics at KAIST, Korea.
// Simple Research on Quantum Dot and Quantum Information theory.// Graduation thesis on ‘Electro-Magnetism with General Relativity’; Crude try on explanation of electro-magnetic forces from gravity only. See . - 2007-09 ~ 2013-12: Entered Seoul National University.
// Combined master’s and doctorate course in Experimental Lab and Theoritical Lab .// But dropped at 2013 since I don't care about insignificant certificate of Doctorial degree.// Published papers are listed in Subsec.. - 2011-04 ~ 2011-05: Gorvernment Millitary Service, 4 weeks traning.
- 2014 ~ Now: Developed recoeve.net .
- 2017-07 ~ 2017-10: Skelter Labs intern (3 months).
// The proudest program which I coded alone is the one to correct inaccurate location measured by GPS with wifi RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicatior) . - 2018-04-21 ~ 2024-08-05: Managed Emart24 learning economies .
- 2024-07-25 ~ 2025-02-26: Government-assisted bootcamp Codeit FullStack 2nd batch (Learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, tanstack/react-query, tailwindCSS, Docker, CI/CD (Github Action))
- Feb. 2008 ~ Spring 2010: Programmed plenty of Labview, C++ programs. Almost of them analyze image files taken from microscope with vector calculus. Some of them compile statistics on properties of magnetic domain.
- Jan. 2010: Organized ‘3rd BK21 Young Physicists Workshop’. A committee of arrangements.
Example: [언어]--영어 of kipid's Recoeve.net
Presentation video
- Problem situation: Since I often send and receive data to the server, I often use tanstack-query, but since I use useQuery for each page that needs data, the queryKey is different for each page, so invalidateQueries also becomes complicated.
- Cause analysis: Since the fragmentation is the problem, I thought about collecting them in one place and exporting them.
- Solution: I decided to export and use useQuery, useInfiniteQuery, and useMutation separately as files.
- Learning and improvement points: Since I used them separately as files, queryKey management became easier, and there were many other benefits. Since I fixed them at the last minute, I couldn't apply them to everything, but I think it would be better if all useMutations, such as useMutateUser, were used in this way.
Presentation video
- View translation challenges
- View list
- View details
- View participation status - Participate in translation challenges
- Take on/give up challenges
- Write translations (write translations with editor, save and load temporarily, check original text)
- Submit translations - Manage translation challenge applications
- View application list - Manage challenges
- Edit/delete work
- Leave a heart function - Manage my challenges
- View list of challenges you are participating in
- View list of completed challenges
- View list of challenges you have applied for - Notification GNB and notification page
- Cached data has a problem where changes to data on the server are not reflected in the front end.
- I learned that Next.js basically uses cached data first.
- I learned that there is a way to invalidate caching with a command like
queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['challenges'] })
and I used this to solve the problem. I learned that queryKey is in array form, and when I entered only the first key, all the data after it was invalidated. - I felt the need to study tanstack query in detail because it has many advantages.
Presentation video
- Changable mode, font-family.
- Resizable font-size, line-height.
- Table of contents.
- Numbering of sections/figures/equations.
- Citing references in bubble-shape pop up.
- Refering figures and equations.
- Refering anything with id and element with class="number".
- Delayed(lazy)-loading of figures (images, iframes).
- Delayed(lazy)-rendering of maths (MathJax).
- Auto code printing from
<codeprint id="code-id"></codeprint>
to<pre id="pre-code-id"></pre>
. - Quite similar to LaTeX or Wiki document, but extended a little bit.
- kipid's blog :: HTML docuK format ver. 2.1: Full detailed description about docuK.
- kipid's blog :: HTML docuK format 2.1, short copiable version: Short copiable version of docuK. You can copy and paste it, and revise the contents part only to produce a new document of your own.
- kipid's blog :: Super Easy Edit (SEE) of docuK: Working on this. You can simply edit the docu in super easy manner, and you can post it anywhere by "copy and paste" way.
<cite class="ref-some"></cite>
Description of Tensor edited with LaTeX. (Tensor and Relativity - What is a Tensor? ) As shown in the figure, a "Table of Contents" is automatically created, and hyperlinks are also automatically created.
- Basically, HTML documents with formulas are created using codecogs.com, which provides Internet formulas in image form, or MathJax, which uses javascript to appropriately place character positions and display them as formulas .
- If the document is long, the scroll can be too long, and it is difficult to determine where the reader is reading the document, so I implemented the “▼ Show/Hide, ▲ Hide” function with javascript/jQuery and attached it. When clicked, each section and subsection is shown or hidden. (When hiding, window.scrollBy() is used to reduce confusion for users reading the document.)
- It analyzes LaTeX commands in general and changes them into HTML-type commands. (Special characters are also converted into HTML-type commands: ex] \"o -> ö -> ö)
- It has functions such as analyzing and changing LaTeX grammar that makes commands simple by creating them in \newcommand format + analyzing cross-references such as ref, label, cite, and automatic table of contents creation to create HTML.
- Responsible web It is designed to be displayed properly on various screen sizes such as smartphones and tablet PCs.
Memorizer App implemented with LabVIEW.
- Save only two columns of data, A and B, as a TXT file. (It doesn't have to be two columns, just specify which columns correspond to A and B.)
- After selecting the file, decide which row (From) and how many words to memorize (count). If you set the cutoff ratio and turn on the Auto Select option, it will select the count (e.g. 20) of words to memorize, excluding words whose recent 10 scores exceed the cutoff.
- When you start the program, it randomly shows you A corresponding to a problem and asks you to guess the answer B. (You can look at A and guess B, or you can give B as a problem and ask you to guess A.)
- It outputs the current progress and the number of correct and incorrect answers in the form of a bar. (The user can judge whether they got it right or wrong by clicking directly. Automatic processing is also performed after receiving text input.)
- Once one cycle is over, only the incorrect questions are collected, the order is shuffled, and repeated until all are correct. (Memorization efficiency is increased by repeatedly showing only the ones that are not well memorized.)
- Once memorization is complete, the scores for the words memorized this time are displayed visually using colors. (HTML is used to display scores.)
Memorizer App Results. After thinking about how to display the memorization results, I decided on HTML format that works well on multiple devices. The HTML table is automatically generated and opened using the LabVIEW program. Red is words that I memorized poorly, green is words that I memorized well. Light colors are words that I have recently had good grades on, and dark colors are words that I have recently had bad grades on.
Screenshots of the progress of the memorization application implemented as an Android app. The app is a lower version that lacks some functions compared to the one implemented with LabVIEW. It was also created for the purpose of learning how to create an Android app, so only basic functions are implemented.
iframe of Lab Homepage of "Theory of Cold Atoms @ SNU"
iframe of Lee Kang-soo. This is a list of papers I participated in. I organized them in Excel and Google spreadsheet formats and converted them into HTML code through programming and added them. Other publication lists on the Lab Homepage were also done in the same way.
iframe of personal blog page (kipid's blog). This is a personal blog page decorated with a basic Tistory skin (skin.html) and slightly modified css. It was made responsive (responsible web with css media query) so that the same screen can be viewed on smartphones.
Convert solar calendar to lunar calendar.
Convert lunar calendar to solar calendar.
Calculate the number of days from the base date. (Solar calendar)
Calculate the number of days from the base date (lunar calendar)
- The base date (the 0th day) is set as "January 1, 1900 in the solar calendar = December 1, 1899 in the lunar calendar", and the first day of each month from this base date and the total number of days in that month are created in a database.
- Since the average number of days in each month is determined for each calendar, I divided the number of days from the base date by this average number of days and created a program so that I could access the calendar data for that day within 1-2 times.
- A lunar database of about 200 years takes up 20KB, and a solar database of 3000 years takes up 282KB. Depending on the validity of the entered date, Error returns “Out of convertible years”, “Out of month”, “Out of day”, “Wrong leap option A/B”, etc.
A program that I'm making to draw pretty and easy programmed pictures/graphs. It can also analyze images.
An example of a graph drawn programmatically (Roughness Exponent of Magnetic Domain Wall/Boundary ). This graph was drawn with a program that I created, but I did not run it with the text-based commands listed above. While drawing various graphs (to clearly express what I want to communicate), I thought it would be nice to have a program that draws pictures/graphs based on text commands, so I created Canvas.
I have also created a program that shows the GDP of each country in a graph. It is not yet in the form I want… but this is also the reason why I started creating the Canvas program.
A program to estimate the number of participants in candlelight vigils was created because the number of participants in the vigils was controversial.
Using the following map service, we estimate the area of the crowded area at the Seoul City Hall Plaza rally site. => 10,887m^2 . Calculate about 5 to 8 people per 3.3m^2 (1 pyeong). (Police general estimate of crowded gatherings) => 16,500 to 26,400 people. For reference, the police estimate is the number of people gathered at the rally site at "one time," while the organizer's estimate includes "people who stopped by for a moment."
Magnetic Domain Image Processing: Subtract background from original (raw) image.
An image creation program that extracts images at regular time intervals from images taken with a microscope to show the expansion of a magnetic domain, overlays them, and shows the expansion of the domain over time at a glance. Time is expressed using color codes, and noise in each image is also expressed .
A program that measures the speed at which the domain wall (the boundary between the Up domain and Down domain) moves by analyzing images of expanding magnetic domains. It automatically analyzes using “measurement magnification (10x, 100x), time, magnetic field value” saved together with the image.
A program that shows analyzed distance and time, speed (distance/time), magnetic field values, image brightness, etc.
A program that observes the changes in the characteristics of magnetic materials through a microscope and processes the collected photo and video data to measure speed or easily compile and process images to understand characteristics. It selects an image section and projects magnetic field values or time onto the screen to create a video .
A wealth analysis program for members of the National Assembly and high-ranking public officials who disclose their assets annually. A simple program that extracts the desired portion from standardized text. It extracts only the text from the "High-ranking Public Officials and Members of the National Assembly Regular Asset Report (2011~2013)" PDF file and transfers it to a txt file (using Ctrl+C, V), analyzes the text pattern, extracts only the name, affiliation, position, and total assets, and plots it as a graph .
Truncated Boson Dynamics Simulation : It is difficult to perfectly solve the problem of bosons (largely classified into bosons and fermions depending on their characteristics) that are too complex and have too many variables. It models and analyzes the state change over time through various simplification processes and approximations. It is a program that calculates numerically using these models and shows the results. Although it is a program that simply implements a few equations, it was a difficult program because there were many things to consider (such as adaptive step size) while programming. Each object (square things, object-oriented programming) was also directly programmed.
This program was created to facilitate the movement of photos according to time and magnetic field, as there are many cases where it is necessary to observe changes in the Magnetic Domain according to the magnetic field.
- https://recoeve.net/, and kipid's blog :: Introducing what we are making : Recoeve.net
- github.com/kipid/Recoeve
- kipid's blog :: Recoeve Database setup (0.1 version)
- kipid's blog :: 개인화 된 추천 시스템 (Personalized recommendation system)
- kipid's blog :: 기계 학습 (Machine Learning - Deep Learning)
- kipid's blog :: Auto Completion, and Fuzzy Search
- kipid's blog :: SNS 내보내기/공유하기 (Sharing a URI link through SNS)
- kipid's blog :: Delayed (Lazy) Loading in HTML by JavaScript (+jQuery)
- kipid's blog :: 공정한 경제란 무엇일까? - 1. 두 명만으로 구성된 사회에서의 경제성장
- kipid's google docu :: 개인 소득 공개
- [IT/Programming]--국비 지원 코딩/공부 of kipid's Recoeve.net:
https://recoeve.net/user/kipid/mode/multireco?cat=[IT/Programming]--국비 지원 코딩/공부&PRL=0.80&PRR=1.00#numbers-of-recos - kipid's blog :: Conjecture about the Unification between Electro-Magnetic Lorentz force and Gravity
- kipid's blog :: Black Holes as Elementary Particles, and Elementary Particles as Mini Black Holes
- kipid's blog :: Truncated many-body dynamics of interacting bosons: A variational principle with error monitoring
- kipid's blog :: 여러가지 프로그래밍 언어들
- kipid's blog :: HTML docuK format ver. 2.0; 개인적으로 만들고 있는 LaTeX 비슷한 형태의 HTML document format.
// docuK 문서 예제들: kipid's blog :: 텐서(Tensor)와 상대론(Relativity) - 0. 텐서(Tensor)란?, and kipid's blog :: 선형 대수학 간단한 정리들 (Linear Algebra), and kipid's blog :: 최적화, 라그랑지 승수법 (Optimization with the Method of Lagrange multipliers), and kipid's blog :: Method of Lagrange multipliers. - kipid's blog :: LaTeX(라텍스, 레이텍) 소개 및 설명서(Guide)들
- kipid's blog :: 반응형 웹 만들기 (Responsible web design with css media query)
- kipid's blog :: 인터넷, Web, HTML, 블로그에서 수식 사용하기 (Equation or math in HTML, blog)
- Tensor and Relativity - 0. What is Tensor?
- kipid's blog :: Interactive graph and chart in HTML
- kipid's blog :: 인터넷에서 예쁘게 코드 입력하기 (google code prettify)
- kipid's blog :: Improving web performance; Delayed loading 관련.
- kipid's blog :: 고위공직자 및 국회의원 정기 재산 신고 사항 (2011~2013) and kipid's blog :: 당신은 상위 몇 % 입니까? (고위직 재산 통계 2013)
- kipid's blog :: To correct inaccurate location measured by GPS with Wi-Fi RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicatior). (Wi-Fi 신호세기를 이용해 GPS 튀는거 잡는 방법.)
- SNU :: Theory of Cold Atoms.
- SNU :: Ultrafast Nanoscopic Spin Dynamics Laboratory (극초고속 나노스핀현상 연구실)
- Truncated many-body dynamics of interacting bosons: A variational principle with error monitoring, Kang-Soo Lee and Uwe R. Fischer, arXiv:1301.2199 [cond-mat.quant-gas] (2013).
- Long-Range Domain Wall Tension in Pt/Co/Pt Films with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy, Kyoung-Woong Moon, Jae-Chul Lee, Soong-Geun Je, Kang-Soo Lee, Kyung-Ho Shin, and Sug-Bong Choe, Appl. Phys. Express 4, 043004 (2011).
- Fractal Dimension of Magnetic Domain Walls in CoFe/Pt Multilayers, Kang-Soo Lee, Dong-Hyun Kim, Sug-Bong Choe, J. Magnetics 15(3), 99-102 (2010).
- Roughness Exponent of Domain Interface in CoFe/Pt Multilayer Film, Kang-soo Lee, Chang-won Lee, Young-jin Cho, Sunae Seo, Dong-Hyun Kim, Sug-Bong Choe, IEEE Trans. Magn. 45(6), 2548 (2009).
- Interdimensional Universality of Dynamic Interfaces, Kab-Jin Kim, Jae-Chul Lee, Sung-Min Ahn, Kang-Soo Lee, Chang-Won Lee, Young Jin Cho, Sunae Seo, Kyung-Ho Shin, Sug-Bong Choe & Hyun-Woo Lee, Nature 458, 740-742 (2009).
As a Programmer and a Physicist.
Lab Homepage
Papers (about Physics only)
'[Recoeve.net]' 카테고리의 다른 글
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