Recoeve in one sentence : Self-customizing + Multi-Categorized Records or Scrapbook for Everything, and Personalized Recommendation for Everything at each Category, which can be called Computer-Assisted Cloud/Crowd Curating.
## PH
- 2023-09-22 : 한글 포함 더 정리.
- 2021-05-20 : 다시 정리.
- 2016-02-10 : Some features 추가.
- 2015-12-22 : Salary 관련 수정. Local specialities 랑 그 지역 물가 수준 따라서... 그리고 실력도 중요하지만, 우리의 개발 철학에 맞는 사람의 영입이 더 중요할지도...
- 2015-12-18 : 조금 더 추가. iframe 삽입.
- 2015-05-07 : reco/eve 색 입히는 js 수정. investers 오타 수정. 내용 약간씩 더 업데이트. recoeve.net 링크 연결. docuK js charset 설정.
- 2015-05-04 : 초반 설명 약간 수정.
- 2014-12-02 : Screenshot 추가. 약간 더 수정.
- 2014-11-24 : Code snippet 좀 넣고.
<refer class="refering-id"></refer>
도 사용. - 2014-11-23 : investors 부분 약간 더 수정.
- 2014-11-22 : The first posting. (It has been continuously updated.)
관심있게 본 기사/뉴스, 즐겨듣는 음악, 재밌었던 영상, 다시 찾고싶은 사이트 등 평가를 내리고 싶은 어떤 것이든 기록 (Record Everything) 하세요. 그 평가들을 바탕으로 자동으로 당신과 비슷한 사람들과 연결되어 보세요. 그리고 그들로부터 당신에게 특화된 새로운 것들을 추천받아 보세요 (Recommendations for Everything).
인터넷과 대중매체들의 넘치는 오염된/난잡한/편향된 (내 기호에는 맞지 않는) 정보들로부터 벗어나서, 당신이 중요하게 생각하는 정보들을 중요하게 만들어 보세요. 대중매체나 기사 등은 소수의 편집자들에 의해 여과되고 처리될 수밖에 없기에, 그들이 아무리 일을 잘한다 할지라도 그 중 일부는 나와 안 맞을때도 많습니다. 자신의 관심사를 자신에게 중요하게 만들고, 당신과 비슷한 소수의견들을 만나보세요.
특히나 너무나 전문화 되어 있는 분야에서는 높은 품질의 컨텐츠들도 잘 추천되거나 퍼지기 힘든 경향이 있죠. Recoeve 에서 카테고리별/분야별 정리를 통해 특정 분야에서의 나와 비슷한 사람들과 연결되고 그 분야에 특화된 개인화 된 추천과 이야기들을 만나보세요. (따로 추천해주기 위해 그들에게 메세지를 보낼 필요는 없습니다. 기록 (Reco) 만 하세요. 자동으로 당신의 Reco 를 좋아할만한 사람들을 찾아서 당신의 추천이 전달될 겁니다.)
### ChatGPT 의 분석.
"Recoeve.net"이란 플랫폼이라는 것을 이해했습니다. 이 플랫폼은 사용자가 자신의 관심사와 평가를 기록하고, 비슷한 관심사를 가진 다른 사용자와 연결되며, 개인화된 추천을 받을 수 있는 곳인 것 같습니다. 이러한 플랫폼을 사용하려면 아래와 같은 단계를 따를 수 있을 것입니다:
## [Recoeve]--설명서 | Manuals 모음집 of kipid's Recoeve.net
- 가입 및 프로필 설정: 먼저 "Recoeve.net"에 가입하고 개인 프로필을 설정하세요. 이때 관심사, 취향, 음악, 영화, 뉴스 등을 자세히 기록해주세요. 이 정보는 추천 시스템을 통해 다른 사용자와 연결되고 관련 콘텐츠를 추천받는 데 사용됩니다.
- 평가와 기록: 웹사이트에서 본 기사, 뉴스, 영상, 음악 등을 기록하고 평가하세요. 이 정보는 추천 알고리즘을 통해 사용자에게 맞춤형 추천을 제공하는 데 사용됩니다. 즉, 당신이 좋아하는 유형의 콘텐츠를 더 많이 발견할 수 있습니다.
- 연결: 시스템은 당신과 유사한 관심사와 평가를 가진 다른 사용자를 찾아 연결합니다. 이를 통해 비슷한 취향을 가진 사람들과 소통하고 공유할 수 있습니다.
- 추천 받기: 플랫폼은 당신의 관심사와 평가를 기반으로 맞춤형 추천을 제공합니다. 이 추천을 통해 새로운 기사, 뉴스, 음악, 영상 등을 발견할 수 있으며, 이를 통해 정보 오염과 편향된 정보에서 벗어날 수 있습니다.
- 분야별 정리와 전문화된 컨텐츠: "Recoeve.net"은 카테고리별 또는 분야별로 컨텐츠를 정리하고, 특정 분야에서 전문적인 정보와 추천을 제공합니다. 이를 통해 더 깊이 있는 관심사에 대한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.
[Recoeve]--Manual/설명서 of kipid's Recoeve.net :: Table of Recos | 목록 (ToR: 단축키 T) 이용해서 궁금하신 것들 찾아보세요. 아직 초창기라 설명이 많이 있진 않습니다.
Record everything that you are interested in and wanna value. Then get connected to the people of your kind based on your evaluations, and get personalized recommendations for everything from them.
Be free from abusing or contamination, and agenda setting from mass-media which is inevitably to be filtered by a few editors. Even if they are good at all, some of them might be not of your interest and not be ordered by your importance. Make your important sorts be important. And meet the minority reports of your kinds.
Things that worth spreading, but so specialized especially to a few experts, will be propagated through your neighbors of that particular fields/categories in Recoeve. (You do not have to send messages to them. Just reco it, then the recos will spread out, finding automatically which users might be interested in this.)
### ChatGPT's Analysis
Thank you for providing more context about Recoeve.net. It appears to be a platform designed to help users record their interests, connect with like-minded individuals, and receive personalized recommendations based on their evaluations. This platform aims to free users from the potential biases and agenda-setting of mass media while facilitating the discovery of specialized content within specific fields or categories.
Here are some general steps you might follow to use a platform like Recoeve.net, based on the description you provided:
## Record everything and Get recommendations for everything.
- Create an Account: Typically, you would start by signing up for an account on the Recoeve.net platform. This might involve providing some personal information and choosing your interests or categories.
- Record Your Interests: Once you have an account, you can start recording your interests. This might involve adding topics, keywords, or specific content that you're interested in.
- Evaluate and Rate Content: As you explore content on the platform, you can evaluate and rate it based on your preferences and interests. This could involve liking, rating, or commenting on articles, posts, or other types of content.
- Connect with Like-Minded Users: The platform likely has features for connecting with other users who share your interests. You might follow or connect with these users to build your network.
- Receive Personalized Recommendations: Over time, as you interact with content and connect with users, the platform's recommendation system should start providing you with personalized content suggestions. These recommendations are based on your recorded interests and evaluations.
- Spread Worthwhile Content: If you come across content that you find valuable and believe others in your network might also appreciate, you can "reco" or recommend it. This action helps spread the content to others who might be interested.
- Discover Specialized Content: As you engage with the platform and its users, you may discover specialized content within your chosen fields or categories. This content may not have wide appeal but can be highly relevant to your interests.
- Engage with Others: Engage in discussions, conversations, and interactions with other users who share your interests. This can help you expand your knowledge and connect with people who have similar passions.
- Customize Your Feed: Many platforms like Recoeve.net allow you to customize your feed or homepage to prioritize content that matters most to you.
Record everything that you are interested in and wanna value in a multi-categorized manner. Then get connected to the people of your kind based on your evaluations, and get personalized recommendations for everything from them.
Be free from abusing or contamination, and agenda setting from mass-media which is inevitably to be done by a few editors. Even if they are good at all, some of them might be not of your interest and not be ordered by your importances. Make your important sorts be important. And meet the minority reports of your kinds also.
Things that worth spreading, but so specialized especially to a few experts, will be propagated through your neighbors of that particular fields/categories in Recoeve. (You do not have to send messages to them. Just reco it, then the recos will spread out, finding automatically which users might be interested in this.)
### Late followers, and old but good fogotten contents.
Generally current many SNS and internet services are focused on the newest things. Therefore old but good contents and their writings are easily forgotten and ignored soon.
There are too many informations in the internet and books. We cannot afford everything. And also we are not interested in the same things. We are so different from each others. Mass-media curating is focused only on the majority of our interest sums.
And the individuals are not interacting closely enough. Only a few celebrities and already famous people are exposed to the public. They and we do not know each others deeply. And in some categories they are similar, and in other categories they are quite different.
Late followers are easily isolated and ignored in SNS communities. And disabled or unawakened users does not interact with other users. Only recentest writings are exposed. There is no importance orderings. Therefore so easy and provocative writings and postings are mainly published.
Our service is designed to resolve these problems. Your old recos with high points will be delivered to your neighbors who haven't recoed it yet, but expected to like and value it. How old it is is not important in our system. How it is valuable, interesting, well-written, the quality become important. Your points will matter all over the time without you.
So carefully giving the points of your recos, you are going to collect your neighbors, and to be connected to the similar people at each categories.
### Knowledge should be stacked and organized within our each brains. We assist it.
Our brain is limited. We are not a machine which can be upgraded annually. We cannot remember everything. We cannot know about everything.
Knowledge out there in the internet is quite useless unless we do not know and use them. To remember these abundant informations, structured categorization of knowledges is inevitable. And scraping the page with summarizing it will be very helpful. We assist these processes with multi-categorization and reco description features.
### Reco examples
#### Youtube (Specially Musics), tv.kakao, tv.naver, Vimeo, Dailymotion, ted
We barely view a music video just once. The more you like the music, the more you see the music video repeatedly. Valuing music videos, you can sort the video's preferences of you. Filtering the high points of recos, you can selectively listen the musics chosen.
See for the example. I have plan to add china's video platforms.
#### Pictures or Images (imgur, instagram)
You can also reco pictures or images. See .
#### Papers
See .
## Some features
### Multiple categorizations (like tag, but more structured)
You can reco something with multiple categorizations simply. Put ; in the middle of separate categories. E.g. [Music/Break]--K-pop;[Music/Break]--Pop;[Music/Break]--BigBang
### Fuzzy search (Go to anything: Shortkey G), Table of Recos (ToR|목록: Shortkey T)
You can find your recos with fuzzy search. 초성검색처럼. This Go
searches every recos in which category you have opend until the present time from the access to recoeve.net site regardless of points or any filtering.
Shortkey T, ToR searches only recos within your filtering like point range and show recos without point. And it makes to play the video (specially youtube video) in reco list play. (#headPlay or #playlist-container)
Fuzzy Search (Go to anything: 단축키|Shortkey G)
- Categorized and user-personalized ads. : Based on user's evaluations on contents, we can promote a paid-ads to users. As the ads can be targeted, companys promoting their products in Recoeve would be satisfied enough to pay a bill.
- Selling a Plug-in or Widget to e-market. : There are several e-markets which sell various things (book, e-book, webtoon, cartoon, music, and so on). If the users can value something in that site, and can get personalized recommendations for the next puchase, I think that the e-market can get more profit. So selling our systems (not code itself, but as a javascript or iframe plug-in) to these sites, we can earn some from them.
- Selling good articles or e-books : Good but difficult or serious articles are usually less spreadable than easy and short one. We would like to change this system. Letting good and valuable articles be propagated and be paid properly, we might get some fair share of their profit, charged on the help of ours to the system.
Recoeve page of K-pop category.
Log-in/Sign-up page (If you are already logged-in, your recoeve page will be returned. Currently Language/언어/語言 :: English/영어/英語/en, Korean/한국어/韓語/ko, Chinese/중국어(번체)/中文/zh, Japanese/일본어/日語/ja, deutsche Sprache/독일어/Deutsch/de, Français/French/프랑스어/佛語/fr, Español/Spanish/스페인어/西班牙語/es, हिन्दी/Hindi/힌디어/印地语/hi, اللغة العربية/ar, Русский/Russian/러시아어/俄語/ru are supported.
kipid on Recoeve.net :: reco instagram URI example https://recoeve.net/reco?uri=https://www.instagram.com/p/CxMjWsDRpSr/&title=아티스틱 벌러덩.&cat=[Music/Break]--Pet.
// Server is coded by vert.x JAVA
import org.vertx.java.platform.Verticle;
public class Recoeve extends Verticle {
public void start() {
RecoeveDB db=new RecoeveDB();
// Lambda exp with chaining.
vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler( (HttpServerRequest req) -> {
req.response().end("Hello Recoeve!");
# DataBase using MySQL
, `id` char(21) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL UNIQUE
, `pwd_salt` binary(64) NOT NULL #DEFAULT random_bytes(64)
- kipid's blog - HTML docuK format ver. 2.3, and github.com - kipid - docuK, and kipid's blog - Super Easy Edit (SEE) of docuK
- kipid's blog - 텐서란 무엇인가? (What is tensor?, The explanation for the tensor in physics, written in Korean.)
- Method of Lagrange multipliers (English), 2014-03-21; and 최적화, 라그랑지 승수법 (Optimization with the Method of Lagrange multipliers), 2014-03-18; 앞쪽의 영어버전이 더 자세히 작성되어 있음.
- devpay.org - 개발자 연봉 공유 사이트
// 연봉 정보 공유하는 사이트인듯. 통계를 내주지는 않아서 대충 글들 읽으면서 직접 파악해야 하는듯. - 요즘 서울의 프로그래머 신입 연봉
// 대충 2000~3500 만원 연봉이라는데... - techneedle.com - 미국 프로그래머들의 연봉 수준 (언어별, 지역별)
// 좋은 프로그래머는 대략 $125,000/year 인듯. - techneedle.com - 미국서 연봉이 가장 높은 프로그래밍 언어는?
// 여기서 통계낸것도 비슷. 대충 $100,000/year. - techneedle.com - 스타트업 창업자는 얼마의 연봉을 받아야 할까?
- techneedle.com - 실리콘 밸리 회사 인턴들의 놀라운 급여 수준
- kipid on Recoeve.net - Category :: [Music/Break]--K-Pop
- recoeve on Recoeve.net - Category :: [Music/Break]--Video test
- recoeve on Recoeve.net - Category :: [Music/Break]--Image test
- kipid on Recoeve.net - Category :: [Physics/Math/Science]--Physics--My Papers
Good E-books or E-articles
연봉 정보 (Salary Statistics)
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