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Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly salary auto Converter/Calculator (minimum wage)

# Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly salary auto Converter/Calculator (minimum wage) ## TOC ## Converter/Calculator If you change one number of inputs, then the others will be changed according to the corresponding work times.
$/1day hours work
$/1week days work
$/1month days work (\frac{5}{7} \times 30.5 = 21.8days)
$/1year months work
## History of the federal minimum wage (USA)
History of the federal minimum wage (USA)
## Minimum wage of South Korea
History of minimum wage of South Korea
## RRA
  1. kipid's blog :: 시급, 일급, 월급, 연봉 자동 환산기/계산기 (최저임금)
  2. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - Minimum Wage
  3. Wiki - Minimum wage
  4. FORTUNE - The $15 minimum wage in 4 charts: How states and industries measure up across the U.S., by BRIAN O'KEEFE and NICOLAS RAPP, 2021-03-18
  5. Minimum Wage Commission Republic of Korea
  6. kipid's blog :: 공정한 경제란 무엇일까? - 1. 두 명만으로 구성된 사회에서의 경제성장
  7. kipid's blog :: 당신은 상위 몇 % 입니까? (고위직 재산 통계 2012-2014)