Physicist 썸네일형 리스트형 Career Portfolio - Kang-soo Lee # Career Portfolio - Kang-soo LeePhysicist, Programmer.My favorite motto is "What you eat, how you think, and most importantly what you have done become who you are. Who are you? and who will you be?" My pictures ## PH2025-02-14 : Codeit Fullstack 2nd added. added. MBTI removed.2023-05-31 : MBTI added.2017-03-21 : Update and Clean up.2016-03-16 : Update and Clean up.2015-12-.. 더보기 물리학자들의 명언(名言)들 (Physicist Quotations) # 물리학자들의 명언들 (Physicist Quotations or Sayings)개인적으로 좋아하는거 모아보니 보어랑 아인슈타인 발언들이 많군요 . 국내에는 유명한 물리학자가 없어서 아쉽;;; 물리학이 한창 발전할 때(대략 1850~1980 정도?) 한국은 암울한 시기였으니 뭐...## PH 2022-07-19: To SEE. 2014-06-13: docuK upgrade. 2014-??-??: First Posting.## TOC## Random quote about physics More Nature Quotes ## Selected quotes (Personal favorites)saying saying in Korean writer writerK myPointsThe most incomp.. 더보기 이전 1 다음