HTML docuK format ver. 2.1 short copiable version (2014-06-25)
개인적으로 만들고 있는 LaTeX 비슷한 형태의 HTML document format + JavaScript. 이름은 그냥 docuK로 'document designed by kipid'란 뜻.
When you write the HTML document including docuK document also, using good editors such as Sublime Text editor with Emmet (ex-Zen Coding) package installed is highly recommended. Try useful shortkeys 'Ctrl+D' (Multiple Selections and Simultaneous Multiple Edit. 'Ctrl+K, D': skip the current selection. 'Ctrl+U': soft undo. 'Ctrl+Shift+U': soft redo.), 'Ctrl+P' (Go to Anything. 'Ctrl+R':go to Symbols (id). 'Ctrl+G':go to Line.), and emmet style typings (Watch the demo video in the link).
Table of Contents
citing the reference
citing the reference
Equations, Figures, and Code printing
equations: g(a) .   사용: $f(x)$ $= x^4$ $+ 3 x^3$ $- 8 x^2$ $+ x$ $- 5$, and   사용: $f(x)$ $= x^4$ $+ 3 x^3$ $- 8 x^2$ $+ x$ $- 5$, dollar 표시로만 구분: $f(x)$$= x^4$$+ 3 x^3$$- 8 x^2$$+ x$$- 5$, and 구분없이: $f(x)= x^4+ 3 x^3- 8 x^2+ x- 5$.
Refering equations
Comment/BeCareFul box
This is cmt box.
This is cmt box.
This is cmt box.
This is bcf box.
This is bcf box.
This is bcf box.
border formatting.
Elements with disableQ0 class remove
<!-- -->
inside them only when deviceWidth>321. This is for Galaxy S (or old smartphones) problem like unexpected scrollTop.iframe youtube 동영상 with fixed ratio. And border formatting
Refering figures
Printing code
References and Related Articles
- kipid's blog - HTML docuK format ver. 2.1
- kipid's blog - docuK short copiable version;
// Updated regularly by the current html file. If you see this in kipid's blog, this is the link you are seeing. - github.com - kipid - docuK
- jQuery.com; and jQuery - download;
// JavaScript enhancer - MathJax.org; and MathJax Documentation - latest; and The Core Configuration Options; and The MathJax.Hub Object;
// Math renderer. - Google Code Prettify and Getting Started;
// Code prettyfier. - kipid's blog - LaTeX(라텍스, 레이텍) 소개 및 설명서(Guide)들
- kipid's blog - Citing the references automatically in HTML (like LaTeX); ref는 id를 부여하고 (보통 구분을 확실히 하기 위해 "ref-"를 prefix로 붙임.) cite tag with class로 cite함. 이후 자동으로 parsing.
- kipid's blog - 인터넷, Web, HTML, 블로그에서 수식 사용하기 (Equation or math in HTML, blog)
- kipid's blog - 인터넷에서 예쁘게 코드 입력하기 (google code prettify)
- kipid's blog - Customized styling of scroll bars in HTML, 2014-05-25
- kipid's blog - Improving web performance
- kipid's blog - Delayed Loading in HTML by JavaScript (+jQuery)
Supported by
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