계급이 가장 높은 두 명의 천사 중 한명. He is the angel of mercy, annunciation, resurrection, vengeance, death and revelation.
그는 자비, 성수태 고지(마리아에게 예수 잉태를 알린 것.), 부활, 복수, 죽음과 계시의 천사 He presides over paradise and is the ruling angel of the first heaven.
그는 낙원(paradise)을 관장(관리)하며 제1천국(the first heaven)의 지배천사이다. This archangel is a primary messenger of God, bringing divine announcements and revelations to humankind, acting as an intermediary between heaven and earth and helping us to interpret our dreams and our visions.
이 대천사는 하늘과 땅 사이의 중개자 역할을 하며, 우리의 꿈과 우리의 비전을 해석하는 데 도움을 주고, 인류에게 신의 공지 및 계시를 전달하는, 신의 수석(primary) 전달자(messenger)이다. Gabriel grants wishes and hopes to mortals, as well as joy, mercy, understanding of mysteries, truth, justice, miracles and love.
가브리엘은 필멸자(인간)들에게 소망과 희망뿐 아니라 기쁨, 자비, 불가사의(mysteries)의 이해, 진실, 정의, 기적과 사랑을 허락한다. Essene prayer: "Gabriel, The Angel of all Lives. Enter my limbs and give your whole strength to me.".
에세네파의 신도(고대 유대의 금욕/신비주의의 한 파)의 기도: "가브리엘, 생명의 천사여. 내 사지에 들어와 내 온몸에 힘을 주소서." ## RRA
- empathys.co.uk :: List Of Archangels "G - I"
// Gabriel (God is my strength)
One of the two highest ranking angels. He is the angel of mercy, annunciation, dreams, aspirations, bringer of news, maker of changes, resurrection, vengeance, death and revelation. He presides over paradise and is the ruling angel of the first heaven. This archangel is a primary messenger of God, bringing divine announcements and revelations to humankind, acting as an intermediary between heaven and earth and helping us to interpret our dreams and our visions. Gabriel grants wishes and hopes to mortals, as well as joy, mercy, understanding of mysteries, truth, justice, miracles and love. Angel of January. In ancient Persian lore the angel Bahman. Essence prayer: "Gabriel, Angel of Life, enter my limbs and give strength to my whole body". - Healing Art with a Conscious Heart :: Angel Dictionary - G
// Gabriel> ("God is my strength or Hero of God") - Angelic Messenger - One of the two highest ranking angels. He is the angel of mercy, annunciation, resurrection, vengeance, death and revelation. He presides over paradise and is the ruling angel of the first heaven. This archangel is a primary messenger of God, bringing divine announcements and revelations to humankind, acting as an intermediary between heaven and earth and helping us to interpret our dreams and our visions. Gabriel grants wishes and hopes to mortals, as well as joy, mercy, understanding of mysteries, truth, justice, miracles and love. Essene prayer: "Gabriel, Angel of Life, enter my limbs and give strength to my whole body".
His name means "God is my strength." Variations of his name include: Gavriel and Gabriella. In Jewish legend/lore, Gabriel is female known as Gabriella - being the only female Archangel. In Islamic Gabriel translates to Jibril and it is Jibril who revealed the Koran to Muhammad. He presides over Paradise, and although he is the ruling prince of the 1st heaven, he is said to sit on the left-hand side of God. Gabriel is known as the archangel of revelation, creativity, and faith.
"Apart from Michael, he is the only angel mentioned by name in the Old Testament - unless we include among the Old Testament books the Book of Tobit, usually considered apocryphal, in which case Raphael, who appears there, becomes the 3rd-named angel" Gabriel is called the bringer of good news for throughout much of the scriptures and ancient texts he has been known to bring tidings of joy and happiness. He also helps those with talents in art and communication. "During the middle ages, Christians believed him to be the angel of light."
Many titles have been bestowed (accredited) to Gabriel through many different sources, these include; Ruler of the Sixth Heaven, Chief Ambassador to Humanity, Chief Ambassador to God, Ruling Prince of the Cherubim, Divine Herald, Angel of Revelation, Angel of Aspirations, Angel of Truth, Divine Husband, Prince of Justice, Angel of Joy, Angel of Childbirth, Archangel of the Holy Sefiroth, Trumpeter of the Last Judgment, Governor of Eden, Angel of Vengeance, Angel of Death, Angel of Mercy, Angel of Judgment, and Angel of the Apple Tree.
Archangel to those born under the sign: Aquarius - Pisces - Scorpio (Alternate Resources State: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio). He is of the four winds, his direction west. Being "nature-like", his energy color is green and blue-green. His element is Water. His season is winter. Tree: Willow (Though he is also Angel of the Apple Tree - conflicting sources). His symbol is that of a trumpet. Colors representative: white and silver.
// Gabriella - Gabriella is the female version of Gabriel. According to Jewish tradition, Gabriella is the only female Archangel. One indication that Gabriella is female is that she sits on the left-hand side of God. She also looks after the souls of unborn babies and teachers them for the nine months before they are born. Immediately before they are born, Gabriella touches the upper lip to make them forget what she taught them about Heaven until they die. The cleft beneath the nose is caused by Gabriella's touch. Gabriella's involvement with conception and babies has led many people to hypothesize that Gabreil is actually Gabriella. However, all of this debate ignores the fact that angels are spiritual beings who are believed to be genderless.
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