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[IT/Programming]/HTML related

Pattern Replace 를 이용한 http, https 링크 (그림, 동영상, 유튜브, 인스타그램, 틱톡, Soundcloud, 카카오TV, 네이버TV 등) 처리 | URI (Unique Resource Identifier) Rendering

# Pattern Replace 를 이용한 http, https 링크 (그림, 동영상, 유튜브, 인스타그램, 틱톡, Soundcloud, 카카오TV, 네이버TV 등) 처리 | URI (Unique Resource Identifier) Rendering Regular Expression 을 사용해서 http, https 링크들을 적절하게 처리해 봅시다. ## PH
  • 2024-02-07 : First posting.
## TOC ## URI rendering ```[.linenums.lang-js] //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // URI rendering :: http link itself, videos, images, maps. //////////////////////////////////////////////////// m.ptnURI = []; m.ptnURL = /^https?:\/\/\S+/i; m.ptnTag = /^<\w+[\s\S]+>$/i; m.ptnVal = /^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\/([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)$/; m.uriToA = function (uri) { if (!uri || uri.constructor !== String) { return ""; } let exec = m.ptnURL.exec(uri); if (exec !== null) { return `<a target="_blank" href="${exec[0]}">${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(uri)).replace(/[\n\s\t\r]/g, " ")}</a>`; } else { return m.escapeOnlyTag(uri); } }; m.videoZIndex = 10000; m.togglePosition = function (elem) { let $elem = $(elem); let $parent = $elem.parents(".rC"); if ($parent.hasClass("fixed")) { $parent.removeClass("fixed"); $parent.css("z-index", 0); window.scrollTo(0, $parent.offset().top); $elem.text("▲ [--stick to the left top--]"); m.fsToRs.fixed = false; } else { $parent.addClass("fixed"); $parent.css("z-index", m.videoZIndex--); window.scrollBy(0, -$parent.height()); $elem.text("▲ [--return to the original position--]"); m.fsToRs.fixed = true; } }; m.rC = function (elemStr, option, id, noPc) { return `<div class="rC${(option ? ` ${option}` : '')}"${id ? ` id="${id}"` : ""}><div class="rSC">${elemStr}</div>${noPc ? "" : `<div class="pc"><span onclick="m.togglePosition(this)">▲ [--stick to the left top--]</span></div>`}</div>`; }; m.YTiframe = function (v, inListPlay) { return m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/${v}?origin=https://recoeve.net" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)); }; let ptnURI; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["www.youtube.com"] = m.ptnURI["youtube.com"] = m.ptnURI["youtu.be"] = m.ptnURI["m.youtube.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^(?:watch|embed|live|shorts)?\/?([\w\-]+)?(\?\S+)?/i; ptnURI.regEx1 = /^([\w\-]+)(\?\S+)?/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["www.youtube.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { let vars = null; if (exec[2]) { vars = m.getSearchVars(exec[2]); } let v = null; if (exec[1]) { v = exec[1]; } if (vars?.v?.val) { v = vars.v.val; } if (v) { let list = vars?.list?.val; return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${v}${list ? `&list=${list}` : ""}">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${v}${list ? `&list=${list}` : ""}</a><br>` : "") + m.YTiframe(v, inListPlay), from: "youtube", videoId: v, list }); } } else { exec = m.ptnURI["youtu.be"].regEx1.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { let v = exec[1]; let vars = null; let list = null; if (exec[2]) { vars = m.getSearchVars(exec[2]); if (vars?.list?.val) { list = vars.list.val; } if (vars?.v?.val) { v = vars.v.val; } } return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${v}${list ? `&list=${list}` : ""}">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${v}${list ? `&list=${list}` : ""}</a><br>` : "") + m.YTiframe(v, inListPlay), from: "youtube", videoId: v, list }); } } return reject(false); }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["docs.google.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^spreadsheets\/d\/e\/([\w\-]+)\/pubhtml/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["docs.google.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/${exec[1]}/pubhtml">https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/${exec[1]}/pubhtml</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/${exec[1]}/pubhtml?widget=true&headers=false" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>`), from: "docs-google", docId: exec[1] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["instagram.com"] = m.ptnURI["www.instagram.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^(?:p|tv|reel)\/([\w\-]+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["instagram.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://www.instagram.com/p/${exec[1]}/">https://www.instagram.com/p/${exec[1]}/</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<div class="center"><iframe delayed-src="https://www.instagram.com/p/${exec[1]}/embed" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" allowtransparency="true"></iframe></div>`, "instagram", null, true), from: "instagram", imgId: exec[1] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["imgur.com"] = m.ptnURI["www.imgur.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^a\/([\w\-]+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["imgur.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://imgur.com/a/${exec[1]}">https://imgur.com/a/${exec[1]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<div class="center"><iframe delayed-src="https://imgur.com/a/${exec[1]}/embed?pub=true&context=false" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" allowtransparency="true"></iframe></div>`, "imgur", null, true), from: "imgur", imgId: exec[1] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["www.tiktok.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^@(\S+)\/video\/([0-9]+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["www.tiktok.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://www.tiktok.com/@${exec[1]}/video/${exec[2]}">https://www.tiktok.com/@${exec[1]}/video/${exec[2]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<div class="center"><iframe sandbox="allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-same-origin" delayed-src="https://www.tiktok.com/embed/v2/${exec[2]}?referrer=${encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)}" frameborder="no" scrolling="auto"></iframe></div>`, "tiktok", null, true), from: "tiktok", userId: exec[1], videoId: exec[2] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["vt.tiktok.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^(\w+)\//i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["vt.tiktok.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { let shortURI = `https://vt.tiktok.com/${exec[1]}/`; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://recoeve.net/BlogStat/getFullURI", data: shortURI, dataType: "text" }).fail(function (resp) { resolve(resp); // throw new Error("Failed to expand TikTok URL"); }).done(async function (resp) { let uriRendered = await uriRendering(resp, toA, inListPlay); uriRendered.newURI = resp; resolve(uriRendered); }); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["serviceapi.rmcnmv.naver.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^\S+/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["serviceapi.rmcnmv.naver.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://serviceapi.rmcnmv.naver.com/${exec[0]}">https://serviceapi.rmcnmv.naver.com/${exec[0]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://serviceapi.rmcnmv.naver.com/${exec[0]}" frameborder="no" scrolling="auto" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: "naver", videoId: exec[0] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["tv.naver.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^(?:v|embed)\/([0-9]+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["tv.naver.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://tv.naver.com/v/${exec[1]}">https://tv.naver.com/v/${exec[1]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://tv.naver.com/embed/${exec[1]}?autoPlay=false" frameborder="no" scrolling="auto" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: "naver", videoId: exec[1] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["weverse.io"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^(\S+)\/artist\/([0-9\-]+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["weverse.io"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://weverse.io/${exec[1]}/artist/${exec[2]}">https://weverse.io/${exec[1]}/artist/${exec[2]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe src="https://weverse.io/${exec[1]}/artist/${exec[2]}" frameborder="no" scrolling="auto" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: "weverse", singer: exec[1], videoId: exec[2] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["tv.kakao.com"] = m.ptnURI["entertain.daum.net"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /(?:v|cliplink)\/([0-9]+)/i; ptnURI.regEx1 = /video\/([0-9]+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["tv.kakao.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://tv.kakao.com/v/${exec[1]}">https://tv.kakao.com/v/${exec[1]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://play-tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/${exec[1]}" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" allowfullscreen></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: "kakao", videoId: exec[1] }); } else { exec = m.ptnURI["entertain.daum.net"].regEx1.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://tv.kakao.com/v/${exec[1]}">https://tv.kakao.com/v/${exec[1]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://play-tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/${exec[1]}" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" allowfullscreen></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: "kakao", videoId: exec[1] }); } else { return reject(false); } } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["tvpot.daum.net"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^v\/([\w\-]+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["tvpot.daum.net"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://tvpot.daum.net/v/${exec[1]}">https://tvpot.daum.net/v/${exec[1]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://videofarm.daum.net/controller/video/viewer/Video.html?vid=${exec[1]}${exec[1].length < 15 ? '$' : ''}&play_loc=undefined" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: "daum", videoId: exec[1] }); } return reject(false); }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["vimeo.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^([0-9]+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["vimeo.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://vimeo.com/${exec[1]}">https://vimeo.com/${exec[1]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/${exec[1]}" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: "vimeo", videoId: exec[1] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["www.dailymotion.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /video\/(\w+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["www.dailymotion.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://www.dailymotion.com/video/${exec[1]}">https://www.dailymotion.com/video/${exec[1]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/${exec[1]}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: "dailymotion", videoId: exec[1] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["namu.wiki"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /w\/(.*)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["namu.wiki"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { let pathname = exec[1].replace(/\+/gi, "%20").replace(/%2B/gi, "%20"); return resolve({ html: `<a target="_blank" href="https://namu.wiki/w/${pathname}">https://namu.wiki/w/${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(pathname))}</a>`, from: "namu.wiki", pathname }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["www.ted.com"] = m.ptnURI["embed.ted.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^talks\/(\S+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["www.ted.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { uriRest = uriRest.substring(6); let k = uriRest.indexOf("?"); let vars = null; if (k !== -1) { vars = m.getSearchVars(uriRest.substring(k)); uriRest = uriRest.substring(0, k); } let v = uriRest; if (vars?.language) { uriRest = "lang/" + vars.language.val + "/" + uriRest; } return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://www.ted.com/${exec[1]}">https://www.ted.com/${exec[1]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://embed.ted.com/talks/${uriRest}" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" allowfullscreen></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: "ted", videoId: v }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["w.soundcloud.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^player\/(\?\S+)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["w.soundcloud.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { let vars = m.getSearchVars(exec[1]); let lastPath = "player/?"; for (let i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { if (vars[i].key === "auto_play") { lastPath += "auto_play=false&"; } else { lastPath += vars[i].key + "=" + vars[i].val + "&"; } } return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://w.soundcloud.com/${exec[1]}">https://w.soundcloud.com/${exec[1]}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://w.soundcloud.com/${lastPath.substring(0, lastPath.length - 1)}" scrolling="auto" frameborder="no"></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed soundcloud" : "soundcloud")), from: "soundcloud", videoId: vars?.url?.val }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI["gall.dcinside.com"] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /\/movie\/share_movie(\?\S+)/i; ptnURI.regEx1 = /\/poll\/vote(\?\S+)/i; https://gall.dcinside.com/board/poll/vote?no=710233 ptnURI.toIframe = function (uriRest, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI["gall.dcinside.com"].regEx.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { let vars = m.getSearchVars(exec[1]); let v = vars.no?.val; if (v) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://gall.dcinside.com/board/movie/share_movie?no=${v}">https://gall.dcinside.com/board/movie/share_movie?no=${v}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="https://gall.dcinside.com/board/movie/share_movie?no=${v}" scrolling="auto" frameborder="no"></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : "")), from: "dcinside", videoId: v }); } else { return resolve({ html: `<a target="_blank" href="https://gall.dcinside.com/${uriRest}">https://gall.dcinside.com/${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(uriRest))}</a>` }); } } else { exec = m.ptnURI["gall.dcinside.com"].regEx1.exec(uriRest); if (exec !== null) { let vars = m.getSearchVars(exec[1]); let no = vars.no?.val; if (no) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="https://gall.dcinside.com/board/poll/vote?no=${no}">https://gall.dcinside.com/board/poll/vote?no=${no}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<iframe src="https://gall.dcinside.com/board/poll/vote?no=${no}" scrolling="auto"></iframe>`), from: "dcinside", voteId: no }) } } } return reject(false); }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI[0] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^(https?:\/\/\S+\.(?:jpg|jpeg|bmp|gif|png|webp|svg|tif))(?=$|\?|\s)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uri, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI[0].regEx.exec(uri); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="${exec[1]}">${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(uri))}</a><br>` : "") + `<div class="center"><img delayed-src="${exec[1]}"/></div>`, from: 'image', src: exec[1] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI[1] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^https?:\/\/\S+\.(?:mp4|ogg|webm|avi)(?=$|\?|\s)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uri, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI[1].regEx.exec(uri); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: (toA ? `<a target="_blank" href="${exec[0]}">${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(uri))}</a><br>` : "") + m.rC(`<video controls preload="metadata" delayed-src="${exec[0]}"></video>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: 'video', src: exec[0] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI[2] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^https?:\/\/kr[\d]+\.sogirl\.so(\/\S*)?/i; ptnURI.regEx1 = /^https?:\/\/kr[\d]+\.sogirl\.co(\/\S*)?/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uri, inListPlay) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI[2].regEx.exec(uri); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: `<a target="_blank" href="https://kr57.sogirl.so${exec[1] ? exec[1] : ""}">${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(`https://kr57.sogirl.so${exec[1] ? exec[1] : ""}`))}</a>`, newURI: `https://kr57.sogirl.so${exec[1] ? exec[1] : ""}`, from: 'sogirl', src: exec[1] }); } else { exec = m.ptnURI[2].regEx1.exec(uri); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: `<a target="_blank" href="https://kr57.sogirl.so${exec[1] ? exec[1] : ""}">${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(`https://kr57.sogirl.so${exec[1] ? exec[1] : ""}`))}</a>`, newURI: `https://kr57.sogirl.so${exec[1] ? exec[1] : ""}`, from: 'sogirl', src: exec[1] }); } else { return reject(false); } } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI[3] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^https?:\/\/kr[\d]+\.topgirl\.co(\/\S*)?/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uri, inListPlay) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI[3].regEx.exec(uri); if (exec !== null) { return resolve({ html: `<a target="_blank" href="https://kr26.topgirl.co${exec[1] ? exec[1] : ""}">${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(`https://kr26.topgirl.co${exec[1] ? exec[1] : ""}`))}</a>`, newURI: `https://kr26.topgirl.co${exec[1] ? exec[1] : ""}`, from: 'topgirl', src: exec[1] }); } else { return reject(false); } }); }; ptnURI = m.ptnURI[4] = {}; ptnURI.regEx = /^file:\/\/\/(\S+\.(?:jpg|jpeg|bmp|gif|png|webp|svg|tif))(?=$|\?|\s)/i; ptnURI.regEx1 = /^file:\/\/\/(\S+\.(?:mp4|ogg|webm|avi))(?=$|\?|\s)/i; ptnURI.regEx2 = /^file:\/\/\/(\S+\.(?:pdf|html|htm))(?=$|\?|\s)/i; ptnURI.toIframe = function (uri, inListPlay, toA) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let exec = m.ptnURI[4].regEx.exec(uri); let href = null; if (exec !== null) { href = exec[1].replace(/\+/gi, "%20").replace(/%2B/gi, "%20"); uri = uri.replace(/\+/gi, "%20").replace(/%2B/gi, "%20"); return resolve({ html: `<a target="_blank" href="${href}">${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(uri))}</a>` + m.rC(`<div class="center"><img delayed-src="${href}"/></div>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed eveElse" : "eveElse")), from: 'file-image', src: href }); } else { exec = m.ptnURI[4].regEx1.exec(uri); if (exec !== null) { href = exec[1].replace(/\+/gi, "%20").replace(/%2B/gi, "%20"); uri = uri.replace(/\+/gi, "%20").replace(/%2B/gi, "%20"); return resolve({ html: `<a target="_blank" href="${href}">${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(uri))}</a><br>` + m.rC(`<video controls preload="metadata" delayed-src="${href}"></video>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: 'file-video', src: href }); } else { exec = m.ptnURI[4].regEx2.exec(uri); if (exec !== null) { href = exec[1].replace(/\+/gi, "%20").replace(/%2B/gi, "%20"); uri = uri.replace(/\+/gi, "%20").replace(/%2B/gi, "%20"); return resolve({ html: `<a target="_blank" href="${href}">${m.escapeOnlyTag(decodeURIComponent(uri))}</a><br>` + m.rC(`<iframe delayed-src="${href}"></iframe>`, (inListPlay && m.fsToRs.fixed ? "fixed" : null)), from: 'file-pdf', src: href }); } } return reject(false); } }); }; window.uriRendering = function (uri, toA, inListPlay) { return new Promise(async function (resolve, reject) { if (uri?.constructor === String) { if (uri.length > 6) { if (uri.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() === "http") { let k = 4; if (uri.charAt(k).toLowerCase() === 's') { k++; } if (uri.substring(k, k + 3) === "://") { k += 3; let l = uri.indexOf('/', k); let uriHost = null; let uriRest = ''; if (l === -1) { uriHost = uri.substring(k); } else { uriHost = uri.substring(k, l); uriRest = uri.substring(l + 1); } if (m.ptnURI[uriHost]) { try { let result = await m.ptnURI[uriHost].toIframe(uriRest, inListPlay, toA); if (Boolean(result) !== false && (!result.list)) { return resolve(result); } } catch (error) { // continue. } } } } for (let i = 0; i < m.ptnURI.length; i++) { try { let result = await m.ptnURI[i].toIframe(uri, inListPlay, toA); // img or video if (Boolean(result) !== false) { return resolve(result); } } catch (error) { // continue. } } if (toA) { return resolve({ html: m.uriToA(uri) }); } } else { return resolve({ html: m.escapeOnlyTag(uri) }); } } return resolve({ html: "" }); }); }; ```/ ## URI rendering examples in Recoeve.net
## RRA
  1. kipid's blog :: Regular Expression (정규 표현식), and match/replace method in JavaScript and JAVA