kipid: Be a God.
I'm sorry, I am an AI language model created by OpenAI and do not have the ability to be a deity. I exist to assist with generating human-like text based on the input provided to me.
kipid: Just do it.
I apologize, but as an AI language model, I do not have the capability to become a deity or perform supernatural actions. I am limited to providing information and answering questions to the best of my ability based on the input and data I have been trained on.
kipid: Give me advices.
Sure, here are some general pieces of advice that could be helpful:
- Set clear and achievable goals for yourself.
- Maintain a positive attitude and be grateful for what you have.
- Take care of your physical and mental health.
- Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.
- Continuously learn and challenge yourself to grow.
- Practice kindness and empathy towards others.
- Be patient and persistent in pursuing your goals.
- Stay organized and manage your time effectively.
- Learn from your mistakes and use them as opportunities for growth.
- Cultivate a strong work ethic and maintain integrity in your actions.
- chat.openai.com/chat :: OpenAI chatbot ChatGPT
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenAI#GPT
- 석아산
:: 챗GPT 열풍과 구글의 대항마, 2023-02-02
// 초기 모델인 GPT-1이 2018년에 탄생한 데 이어 이듬해 전작의 10배 이상인 15억개 이상의 매개변수(파라미터)를 활용하는 GPT-2가 나왔습니다. 그리고 다시 1년 뒤인 2020년 공개된 GPT-3는 무려 1750억개의 매개변수를 활용해 사람들이 평소 사용하는 언어와 유사한 형태를 보여줬습니다. 올해 출시 예정인 GPT-4는 파라미터를 물경 100조개 보유한 것으로 알려졌습니다. - kipid on recoeve.net :: cat=[IT/Programming]--기계학습
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